Friday, September 12, 2008

Andrew the baby magnet

Kids and especially babies have always loved Andrew. For some reason he always makes them laugh. We can be anywhere and he will see a baby and make the baby laugh. It doesn't matter if we know them or not. My neice Madelyn especially thinks he is funny. He just has to be around her and she will start laughing histerically.

Tonight it was especially cute when Andrew was playing with Alex. Alex was laughing harder than I have ever heard him laugh before. We all couldn't help but laugh along. Laughter is definitely contagious, and there is no better sound than the laughter of your children. I love when my kids are so happy.

I hope that Andrew continues to have this effect on babies his whole life. I think it is adorable.

1 comment:

dnbwilkesfamily said...

He is very cute! I'm sure he loves having a brother!