As of yesterday, Alex is 4 months old. The time is going by way too fast. He is such a sweet and fun baby. He really is so easy and cheerful. This is my favorite baby age when they play, but are not yet able to get around. I am so very thankful for this beautiful baby boy that Heavenly Father has sent to our family!
Alex went to his first hockey game to celebrate him being 4 months old! Okay, we would have gone anyway, but it sounds good. He was wonderful the whole time and the Ducks won. He is wearing his brothers new beanie hat that is way too big, but it looked cute anyways.

Alex was all tuckered out by the end of the game. Aunt Cathy was in heaven holding the cuddly sleepy boy!

Alex loves to play with his little floor play gym, but he doesn't stay on it anymore.

Here is a picture of Alex right after he rolled over.

Alex is also getting good at sitting up. He is still a little bit wobbly and folds mostly in half, but we're getting there.

Here is a small video of Alex laughing. He is very ticklish, and before I pulled out the camera he was laughing histerically. I still caught a small laugh. I love the sound of laughing babies!